Sunday, 31 May 2009

Atheists: No God, just whining | Charlotte Allen | Comment is free |

Atheists: No God, just whining | Charlotte Allen | Comment is free |

Here is a polemic rant - the very parallel of many atheist rants which I have either read or been subject to. It's not my style as a theist though I understand the position. What do you think?


shanecroucher said...

I read it and subsequently blogged my feelings here

I think she's unfair to mock atheists who feel discriminated against.

C. Arthur Young said...

Hi SC (do you mind if I just put initials?),

I understand your feelings.

I'm ambivalent. Why? Firstly I don't take her stance even though I've been a victim of 'angry atheists' and think that hate begets hate. I sometimes want to lash out having been subject to ridicule and insult simply because i am a theist.

Having been subject to discrimination doesn't justify dehumanizing others - it only continues the circle of hate. But that's true both ways of course.

So I agree with some of her points but definitely not with the approach.

Bramosenos said...

It cuts on both sides. If some atheists feel beleaguered and marginalized, so do the hard right of Catholics and Protestants. For similar reasons.

All the more reason for dialogue between theist and non-theist moderates.

David said...

I am sure that there are Christians that have been bullied by angry atheists. I am equally sure that there are atheists that have been bullied by angry Christians. However, Charlotte Allen adds nothing to the conversation.

I submit that her entire premise is built on false assumptions and faulty reasoning. This has nothing to do with atheism and everything to do with guarding one's spiritual turf.

1. Humans are humans. Every group of like-minded humans will have a Bell Curve of Behavior from extremely crass to insanely polite. It is easy pickings for me or anyone else to find the crass operatives and stand them up as a straw man representative of every atheist/believer/whatever.

2. The very first thing she writes is, "I can't stand atheists". ROFLMAO She destroyed her argument before she began.

3. By taking on the tone of the very atheists she criticizes, she loses any semblance of credibility.

4. She ends by writing, "So, atheists, how about losing the tired sarcasm and boring self-pity and engaging believers seriously?"

Sorry, Charlotte, no atheist is going to take believers seriously if they write like this.

Craig, I only wish that more Christians took the approach that you do: of dialogue, compassion, and mutual respect. The world would be a better place.

C. Arthur Young said...

Yea - but moderates aren't exciting and don't make for good sound bites - O'reilly wouldn't get much of a chance to call a reasonable person 'pinhead' as he is wont.

C. Arthur Young said...

Much appreciated DA,

she has succeeded in tossing her hat in the ring of debate featuring the 'big names'. Maybe that was her intent?

Nevertheless, it certainy isn't what the debate needs right now.

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