'A non-binding agreement' that certain nations 'agree' that global warming should be kept to 2 degrees at the most in the coming years. Or something like that. All that money, carbon-emission and time for that?
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Climate Change Conference - 2 Degrees of Exhasperation
'A non-binding agreement' that certain nations 'agree' that global warming should be kept to 2 degrees at the most in the coming years. Or something like that. All that money, carbon-emission and time for that?
Monday, 16 November 2009
What Does 'The Right' Relationship Look Like?
Sex-dating-friendship-love-marriage-kids-who the hell are you?!-divorce-alimony
Sometimes the order changes and some things are excluded. In general some things occur simultaneously. In other societies courtship looks like this:
Betrothal-marriage-sex-kids-dating-friendship-love (maybe)-divorce-bankruptcy (for the woman, a new wife for the man then bankruptcy)
Neither is a particularly attractive option and surely no one really plans things with bankruptcy in mind. But since we live in a 'Westernised' world we will proceed with the according understanding. A relationship that has no true beginning save for sex is built on insecurity. Are you 'dating', just sexual partners, a fling - what are you? This confusion is often what makes the 'dating' world the jungle that it is and is a good foundation for a shaky relationship.
The Biblical proposition that we order our relationships something like the following makes sense somehow:
Friendship-dating-love-marriage/commitment-sex-kids- death
Yes, idyllic, but it's something to shoot for isn't it? That's why we have ideals. Complications later in a relationship often arise because of mis-ordering earlier in a relationship - not that mis-ordering cannot be remedied or overcome. But one of the advantages of abstinence, for example, is the absence of the temptation to compare past sexual experiences with your present partner. That can be a real downer.
Now one can say experience is a wise teacher. But experience can also be a stubborn master, carving out habits and tendencies in an individual that make it that much more difficult to form subsequent relationships successfully. Mind you, very few ever 'get it right' the first time out. But deciding what form your 'first times' will take might have a real impact on the really big 'first times' that have even deeper impacts on life and love*.
Of course, everything is easier said than done, and there are a few variables that we often have no control over that potentially change our lives and selves in ways we perhaps wish they didn't. That said, we do the best we can with what we have, and one person's 'best' may differ greatly from another's.
Keep in mind that I have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you get something from this...then clearly I'm a genius.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
What Love Isn't
How Do You Know When It's Love?
1. You won't be scared...eventually.Yes when it's serious it can be scary. The deeper you are the harder you land. The potential for pain and disappointment increase proportionately with how bad you got it. But, when you're in love you get over that because love is willing to take the risk. And once it's willing, it's no longer afraid.
2.There is no future...there is a future. When it's real you simply can't imagine life without that person. Now, wanting what's best for them means being willing to let go - but that doesn't mean you're gonna be happy about it. Don't get this mixed up with wanting to keep them tied up your basement - that's something else entirely. Still, if you're happy being bored with them - that's a good sign.
3.They are home. No they won't always be home, but you always.feel at home with them. No need to impress, no anxiety and silence is ok. It's the kind of comfort that doesn't need roses to feel romantic. You like who you are with them.
4.You don't need a reason. There's no need to check the list of 'things you want' off because intuitively they are there. While romance is all nice, real life without the fancy decor is good enough to enjoy them. At the same time you don't need a special occasion to splash on some bells & whistles.
5.The more you know them, the more you like. That's a good sign that you like what's beneath the skin, not just the skin.
I knew this guy who once said, 'you can fall in love with anybody' I now know that was a steaming pile of verbal manure. You can't fall in love with anybody. You hardly have a choice who you fall for, though you do have a choice about what happens after. But that's not what these thoughts are about, that's part II.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
The Thing About Racism...Part 2: The UK Brand
Elliot has conducted the exercise all over the world and Channel 4 documented her UK incursion. Taking my own experiences as well as what came out of the programme, I have noted some peculiarities of the British attitude to racial prejudice. Below I have noted these arguments and my rebuttals.
Racism is merely a subset of prejudice - Some subjects argued that racial prejudice against non-whites is like any other prejudice (i.e. weight, age, class) . Blacks are not unique and should not attempt to make their situation more severe than it really is.
The problem with this argument is it completely ignores historical facts altogether. When one considers the 4 century slave trade, Apartheid and the Holocaust, it becomes difficult for weight discrimination to compare. At no time in history were the obese rounded up, systematically dehumanized (in their own eyes and in the eyes of their captors), routinely raped, killed and tortured, separated from family or forced to work without pay. The elderly have yet to be demonized through any country's education system then herded into concentration camps, poisoned then burned. The duration, savagery and the systemic state sponsored effort behind slavery, Apartheid and the Holocaust are unprecedented to say the least, and one would have to take great pains to remain ignorant of history in order to maintain the view that racial prejudice is not unique. It naturally follows that centuries of indoctrination and conditioning on either side of racism, as well as the kind of social and economic divide that resulted still affects us today. To say the least the white dominance that resulted from Colonisation and slavery has given them a slight headstart. The fact that media, amongst other things, has been dominated primarily by white imagery undoubtedly has had a real impact on self-perception and accomplishment amongst non-whites. Further, the intentional withholding of resources and opportunities from non-whites was a reality in the West up until recently (though it was only weeks ago a white judge refused to marry an interracial couple).
I am not prejudiced so there is no problem with racism in the UK - Subjects determined that their 'colourblindness' meant that racism is not a problem. They were outraged at the thought that they should experience discrimination when they do not discriminate.
Using oneself as the touchstone for race relations is not only naive and simplistic but arrogant as well. It presumes that the overarching status quo and systemic influence of policies and culture have no effect or significance. It also presumes that the individual's position can magically change history and social realities. Ironically, the blue-eyed participants refused to be subject to the discrimination meted out by the exercise but couldn't seem to make the connection to what other persons might feel or experience. There seemed to be a willful ignorance that refused to see the issue from another perspective purely on the basis that they themselves simply didn't believe they deserved to be treated with such disrespect. This view is exceptionally self-centred.
Racism doesn't exist - Some subjects flatly denied that there was any racial discrimination in the UK at all. It simply didn't exist and names like 'gollywog' are just names and carry no inherent offence. They asserted that there was nothing to be offended about - nothing to discuss.
This point betrayed the greatest deficit regarding UK race relations: knowledge. Ironically, it was universally agreed that ignorance was the primary cause of racism, but it was never determined what had to be known in order to alleviate this ignorance. Sadly, colonisation and slavery are not taught in British schools and this leaves much of the white population ill equipped to deal with this sensitive issue. Generations of under education on Britain's role in the world regarding the establishment of Apartheid, the slave trade and the developing world as we know it, has left some feeling exceptionally defensive about the nation's brutal history.
That said the preceding ideas have defined the kind of racism common in Britain. It does not seek to reconcile, because it does not seek to understand. Because it does not seek to understand it does not go away. However, this does not mean that there aren't a great many white Briton's who are colourblind and completely at ease with racial diversity. This does not mean that racial discrimination isn't multi-directional. But it certainly does emphasise that no matter the direction, racial discrimination is truly hurtful nonsense.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Wives of the BNP Video
The Thing About Racism...
But for every racist that exists, a discussion has occurred to bolster their position. A discussion that has gone unchallenged by any other reasoning because it only occurs amongst the proponents thereof. One woman reasoned (in a programme called Wives of the BNP) that because her father died in Jamaica (a heart attack) and his body was robbed of its belongings, that all immigrants are undesirable. An undoubtedly painful experience that led to a proportionally unreasonable conclusion.
There may be wisdom in the cautious, controlled approach, however. Since the Brixton riots in 1981, the British Government has been keen to avoid a repeat of anything similar. That would entail not just subduing the violence, but the confrontational environment that can lead to the same. Some practical elements are sacrificed along with the impractical. Not a perfect compromise but prudent in some sense.
The drawback is of course the simmering frustration that can build up due to unexpressed concerns and under-acknowledged prejudice, and the circle starts again. Fear and prejudice begets fear and prejudice. Who is at fault is not as important as who will help solve the issue; that being all of us. Seeking out the views of the 'unprejudiced' is difficult as hardly anyone considers themselves thus. But those willing to dialogue are perhaps the ones from whom we hear the least. Certainly, just as the racist view is based on generic, broadly drawn stereotypes and flawed reason - we could walk away thinking that this flawed reason is that of the average white Briton, but that too would be a harbinger of prejudice.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Cool British Words & Phrases You Can Use (or not)
Bit: part, piece. Being who he was Cheney thought the best bit of the movie was where the puppies got eaten by the troll.
Chuffed (to bits): Happy, delighted, pleased. Not entirely sure if 'he could' Obama was chuffed to bits to have won the Presidential election.
Doddle: Easy, a snap. With practically the entire Western media at their command invading Iraq was a doddle for the Bush Admin.
Dosh: Money. I don't have any dosh. Seriously, I don't. Other terms for Money: wonga, readies, spondulicks
Faff: Mess around, goof, play about. Considering himself all powerful, Cheney loved to faff about with human life. Faffing around with peoples money, Madoff found himself in the Big House.
Gob: Mouth. Obama wanted nothing more than for Biden to shut his gob.
Gobsmacked: Speechless. Gobsmacked at Kanye's tirade, Taylor simply stood by and watched.
Gutted: Hurt, disappointed, rueful. Offering repeated and bumbling apologies, Kanye was gutted upon considering his actions at the MTV awards ceremony.
Innit: Isn't it. 'Dat new song is really swish innit?', said Daz.
Jeremy Kyle: Jerry Springer. Jeremy Kyle often does lie detector and paternity tests on his show, but has more gravitas and credibility than the his US counterpart Jerry Springer.
Kit: Clothing, shirt, equipment. Celebrating his goal against Chelsea Rooney pulled his kit over his head.
Manky: Filthy, rancid, stinking. Taking baths irregularly and seldom using deodorant some folks in this part of the world are rather manky.
Minging: Ugly, homely. If the US comedy Ugly Betty were British it would be called Minging Elizabeth. Prince Charles' second wife is a minger.
Put (My) Hands Up: Accept responsibility. Backed into a corner Letterman put his hands up and admitted his indiscretions.
Snog: Passionately kiss. He wondered how he would bring himself to snog Miss Bowles. Snogging is repeatedly mentioned in the Harry Potter series.
Swish: Cool, trendy. Having fleeced millions from innocent investors Stanford bought a rather swish sports car.
Uber (Oober): Very, ultra, extreme. Donning his shades and leather jacket, Bill Gates went from being uber geeky to uber cool. Not!
Wodge: A sizeable chunk/slab/portion of something like cake or money. He relished the huge wodge of cash afforded to all banking CEO's.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Anti-America and Uncle Sam
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Why We Need Gaddafi and Ahmadinejad
He called for reform of the Security Council to make it more representative, including expanding it with more member states. He called for abolishing the veto power of the five permanent members -- the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia -- which he said used the veto to serve their own interests and treated smaller nations like "second class, despised nations."
Sounds like a reasonable demand to me and a believable interpretation of smaller states dilemma. Still, no one wants Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, indeed, no country should have such weaponry. But the hypocrisy of the West is highlighted through this issue. The US continues to be the only nation to have ever used nuclear weapons...twice. Over 300,000 people were killed when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed and many have lived with illness related to the bombing to this day. But the subtle implication is that some countries have a right to nuclear arms and some don't. We need not mention 'pre-emptive strikes'.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
The Plot Thickens: Blam Blam Johnson, He'll Shoot You With His Weaponry
Constantly on the prowl for intricate criminal conspiracies that involve shooting, he stumbles upon a conspiracy that involves a sexy seductress that can't be trusted, millions of dollars in contraband and armed white men in black suits inexplicably devoted to their criminal overlord, Gentry Topanaaris.
But Blam Blam's highly evolved action skills may prove too much for the thugs who outnumber him 500:1. Equipped with the ability to use a motel balcony for cover, he manipulates thugs into shooting the 1/4" rail supports rather than him. Indeed, his muscular green thumb allows him to use potted plants for cover against AK47 fire. A green thumb of gunnery proportions.
Topanaaris may have bitten off more than he can bite. But gains the edge over justice with his hatred for pre-teens. Blam Blam is thrown into self-doubt when he finds himself incapable of delivering snappy one-liners in response to the cold and long-winded threats of Topanaaris who is holding a pre-school hostage.
Surviving explosions, massive car wrecks and slaughtering dozens of innocent bystanders in the ensuing carnage, our hero must survive the nasty scratch he got on his forehead. Only time will tell if the Neosporin's effect will prevent a mild infection.
Blam Blam! The onomatopoeia of Justice!
The Plot Thickens: Margin for Terror
All seemed well in the small town of Stankonya. Initially the scattered slabs of rotting flesh puzzled De La vega, but he wrote it off as 'expected of inbred idiot villages'. What really sent our hero into a world of confusion and stomach-upset was the fact that no woman in the village was attractive enough and of the same race as he, to be an appropriate love interest.
Our Hero's killer instinct really kicked in when he noticed 3 teenaged white American middle class couples making out in dark, dank and creepy locations in the town. Something was going to happen. But what?
Furious at the dearth of racial minority characters to die 25 minutes into this cavalcade of bloodletting, Manley slashes his way through Zombies that inexplicably rise out of the earth once every Memorial Day Weekend - on the very day of his arrival. Well, the day after his arrival.
Fortunately, De La Vega had a horrible experience with a pet gerbil as a child. The experience with dead furry things equipped him to kill the undead, somehow.
But will he save the village of idiots - indeed should he? What secret does the town keep? Will he finish surveying the plot of land in time to submit his tax returns? What ever happens, Manley De La Vega must navigate this horrific nightmare of exacting standards, because his occupation suggests he has no Margin for Terror.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Carib Cinema: Lines, Swines & 2 for 1 in Jamaica
There are two entrances to the cinema. Most people flock to front entrance about an hour or more before the gates open. At the very moment the box office opens any semblance of a line - or humanity - vanishes into a swinefest of hoggish...hoggishness. The soundtrack to this activity is something like Professor Nuts 'Inna Di Bus'. It really is bad.
But around the back, the soundtrack is a nice classical piece. Not only do people stand patiently in a well-defined cue (as it's called in the UK - they love cues here - in fact I think they stand in line to join a line) but they unwittingly think there is only one line to the right, which is inevitably longer than the neglected lesser known line to the left. In any event, folks at this entrance retain their brought-upsy. Why the difference?
One thesis is that those at the back entrance drive (there is a parking lot around the back) and are used to entering their vehicle without fighting 30 other people to do so. The folks at the front take the bus and are in 'sideways-and-go-round' mode. But that can't be true, walk-foot folks often enter from the back along with the alleged more civilised drivers.
The solution is simple really. There are narrow stairs at the back that force patrons into a cue. Now when folks approach the cue the collective order and decency is catching. So catching, in fact, that persons often refuse to join the neglected left line (which is not visible from the parking lot) because no one else is in it. People often think this left line is for persons with reserved tickets only, or brown people (just a guess, I don't know). Amazing.
Order and decency is catching. If narrow passageways force people to be orderly we might have a solution to Jamaica's crime and violence. Indeed, the UK is known for its very narrow roads and small-roomed houses. Maybe they have applied this theory already, after all the UK is very epitome of order (except of on Weekends and during Happy Hour at the pubs...and footy matches).
I suggest the Government should hire a few hundred thousand citizens to simply stand together in orderly groups doing things in an orderly fashion in strategic places around the Island. We can give them specific roles like 'garbage-throw-awayers', 'not-block-the-road-when-the-traffic-lights-don't-workerers', 'I-have-no-desire-to-kill-youers' and the like.
Surely if enough of us gather together, in say Half-Way Tree Square (I know - eeew!) and frown disapprovingly at drug dealers, junkies, corrupt politicians, taxi drivers and lazy career beggars they will stop doing what it is they do because of the peer pressure alone. The hard part is getting all of these perpetrators to stay still long enough (in Half-Way Tree) to get a good frown going.
Thank me in British pounds.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
What Can We Learn From Caster Semenya's Pain?
Friday, 11 September 2009
Caster Semenya: Once a Victor, Twice a Victim
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Waist Not, Want Not: The Odd Fact About UK Jeans Size
I thank you!
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Usain Bolt: A New Kind of Champion
Your Dedications to Jamaica's Athletes
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Is George Bush Really Male? To Verify or Not to Verify
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Caster Semenya: Mixed a Gender?
Monday, 17 August 2009
Great Has a Number: An Ode to Usain Bolt on a new world record
Great has colour: black, green & gold
It has a name and a number - it is lightening and thunder.
Great has a new name for the old one is old
Because new stories of greatness are about to be told.
Great has a number and now the world knows
The greater the number, the lower it goes.
It has shape and form, swagger and style
And makes minutes look longer - much longer than miles.
If Great has a number, what is the number of Great?
It's one number in three: 9.58
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
5ive Things I Don't Get: from Jazz notes to Horn Tooting
1. Jazz - Have you ever watched someone listen to Jazz? They get this expression that's a cross between severe constipation and extreme discontent with the state of the world's economy - chin on fist. Music that has this effect can't be good for you. Jazz was invented by people who want to feel that what they listen to is real music but is actually a group of people doing whatever they feel like with what happens to be a musical instrument. Jazz is the modern art of the music world. If used soap or a toilet bowl can pass as art - then I guess Jazz can pass as music.
- Honk if you're Hangry
2. Darn Tootin' - in places like the UK and Canada horn tooting is reserved only for very, very special occasions. In Jamaica we horn toot every chance we get. We have the 'thanks for giving me way' short beep, the 'the light just turned green .000001 milliseconds ago I can't believe you're still sitting there motionless' double-toot (preferred by taxi drivers), the 'you must be a confounded idiot can't you see I'm trying to run you off the road to get the red light to stop moving abruptly just in front of you' blare (also taxi driver preferred) and finally the 'blouse and skirt bredrin long time mi no see you which part yu deh, tell Aunt Maisi hello for mi and I will see you lata and remember dat ting whe yu have fa mi but no worry bout it still cause wi a good bredrin' rapid fire multi-toot long distance blurt. In the UK they only beep if they are absolutely certain that an approaching vehicle is going to smash into them at a rate that could result in multiple lacerations and the possibility of permanent skeletal and/or motor neurone damage with the likelihood of a lengthy inquiry into the cause of the smash-up coupled with a change in legislation and traffic management. If these things aren't likely then an accident is an acceptable outcome and the polite thing to do.
- Route of all evil
3. Jamaican Taxi Drivers - If you don't know then point 2 would have already cued you in. They hold the firm belief that logic, courtesy, traffic laws and the laws of physics do not apply to them. They possess the skill to convince 12 people to squeeze into a 4 seater, successfully naviagate 2-wheel drive sedans in places that 4-wheel drive SUV's dare not go,cause & survive accidents that kill every one of the 12 people they convinced to get into their 4 seater and somehow manage to remain license holders in good standing albeit with 20 traffic citations while I lost my confounded license for 6 months after only 2 tickets! We all secretly want to be Jamaican taxi drivers (and are happy for them to law-break when we upon hiring their service are late).
4. The 12 People Who Squoze Into The 4-Seater Taxi - do I have to explain?
5. Bloggers - yes that's what I said. Especially the narcissists who somehow think anyone should give a hoot what they think about arbitrary lists of stuff nobody really thinks about anyway. Furthermore, who cares what they did or thought yesterday at Cousin Renford's house blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...blahdiblahblah.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Saturday, 1 August 2009
But Seriously: The 5ive Things Women Most Want
1. Someone they can respect - this comes first only because a man worthy of respect will show the same. Every woman craves a worthy man though power, physical aggression & wealth are often mistaken for the primary qualifiers of integrity, confidence, and diligence. A woman wants a man who can 'handle' her (even testing their partner by crossing the line - sometimes too far - life has enough real tests ladies). But a partner who wins their respect fulfils another valuable female need...
2. Security - women often seek out powerful, rich or physically aggressive men because such things, on their face, should provide a safe environment. One can't run a secure home without a sense of physical, financial and emotional security after all. But the shortfall occurs when actual security is sacrificed for its authentic looking evil brothers. True safety is found in fidelity, honesty & industry.
3. Love & Affection - this could be a lot of things: romance, thoughtfulness, gentleness even predicting/anticipating her needs & fancies. This doesn't mean round the clock concierge service but some demonstration of endearment, physical attraction (not just sexual desire) and understanding of her moods & what influences them. That her partner knows her range of preferences from choice of movie to a dry toilet seat. A dry toilet seat in the down position can be a real turn on. Weird but true. The evil siblings of love & affection are sweet nothings (or lyrics in Jamaica), sex, material gifts (not inherently evil but without sincerity often lead to disappointment at the hands of a Playa) & domination/control of her partner.
4. Laughter - who doesn't want and need to laugh? A man who can help her see the lighter side of situations, challenges & herself is prime real estate and easily beats a hard body or pretty face. A sense of humour is the difference between a conversation & an argument - a problem & an adventure. Laughter's doppleganger is excitement and here sensual stimulation through overindulgence in alcohol/drugs, over-the-top partying & even danger, replace a genuine love for life. Laughter is often a measure of friendship too, and that is the last point.
5. Friendship - this is where the whole listening phenom comes into play. Friends can be goofy together, mess up and even be at their worst without fear of rejection. Pretty self explanatory. The distortion of friendship is co-dependency: the unrealistic expectation that the partner is her source of happiness and thus responsible for her well-being and vice-versa. It is this relationship that a woman can receive the sense that her opinion & feelings are highly valued.
The points are nothing new and really won't change with time as they are our most basic relational needs. The thing to consider is where we go wrong in our search to fulfil these natural requirements. All dissatisfaction and enmity, suggests CS Lewis, is firmly founded in the distortion, misinterpretation and dysfunction of not just the needs in question, but our overall human condition.
Emancipation Day: Wake up & Dream
Happy Freedom Day Everybody!
It's a good thing to remember a time when the world sort of came to its senses. Why 'sort of''? Well you may or may not know that when slavery was abolished in Britain it was done so at the convenience of the slave owners who were compensated for their loss of 'assets'. The enslaved people went from being slaves to 'apprentices' and, as we all know, freedom itself came many many years later as being let go didn't quite mean one was free to enjoy the 'pursuit of happiness' given the circumstances.
The jagged and uneven ending of slavery will always leave a slightly bad taste, getting less so the farther away it becomes, being that the injustice has never been punished - indeed the perpetrators were rewarded and the victims remained well, victims. But in these modern times we have moved on a long way from being chattel to being a sovereign nation, governing our own affairs (which might also mean presiding over our own demise), creating a culture of our very own and slowly turning mud into bricks though sometimes we get the process a little mixed up.
We could easily get cynical but we can't argue with the fact that the descendants of enslaved people in the New World are indeed free. That's a very good thing. Not only are we free but some of us have become exceptionally important historical figures for various reasons (think Garvey, Bolt and Marley for example). That's a great thing.
Of course the emancipation has continued to this day, and necessarily so. At one point We were the victims and products of someone else's imagining and perception of the world. Now we are the victims and beneficiaries of our own vision of the world - such is the stuff of liberty. To be sure, our people have particularly vivid imaginations which we employ in astonishing ways on a daily basis with both hurtful and helpful results - known and little known outcomes.
It was my privilege to discover several years ago, that my Grandfather, Arthur HW Williams I, was the first person to conduct a correspondence education course in Jamaica. This he did by regular snail mail, as we call it today. At the ceremony held to mark the accomplishment, an elderly man insisted he say something - quite unscheduled - and he informed the curious gathering that he had benefited from my Grandfather's courses decades before and thanked him face to face for the opportunity afforded him via this education by post. Amazing. Grandpa's son has gone on to become a successful lawyer and followed his father into the political arena (now a Minister of Government) not to mention his other son who is a plastic surgeon working with his sister, an OBGYN, operating a thriving private practice. Grandpa's eldest daughter is a successful and highly placed administrator at the University of the West Indies.
Grandpa is 96 now and still going strong. I can't help but surmise that a few generations before him would take us into slavery, and that he has lived at least half his life under colonial rule and the other half in an independent Jamaica - a country still a few decades younger than himself. I don't know what Grandpa's inner motivations, goals and visions were, but he excelled as a teacher, MP, Speaker of the House and representative of Jamaica at a time when much of what we were to become was still only a figment of our collective imagination. If he could have imagined his own accomplishments into reality, and in some way passed that vision on to his children - then sweet dreams everybody. Sweet dreams.